In your natural state.
Full of energy, inner peace, with a clear mind and an open heart. In harmony and with the resilience to navigate through modern life’s challenges.
This is your natural state.
High Vibeology's mushroom and herbal blends can be added to your food and drinks. They support the natural balance of your body & mind and the resilience to stress.
Your internal state is shaped by your emotions, thoughts and behavior. These create your perception, your personal story which defines how you experience life.
The way you respond to stressors depends on your resilience. The stronger it is, the easier you adapt to challenges and bounce back to your balanced, empowered state.
Your hormones, nervous system and gut-brain connection all play a part in this.
Adaptogens support these systems.
They help you balance your emotions, increase your resilience to stress and stimulate your mind, so that you can align to your essence and experience life from a state of flow and lightness.
Sleep is essential for good health. Your brain recovers and restores itself, which optimizes your short and long term memory and learning ability. Hormones are emitted such as the human growth hormone which is needed for your body to function properly. Your muscles recover from your daily activities.
A healthy sleep cycle is key to a strong immune system, it restores energy, facilitates cell regeneration and balances your mind and emotions.
Adaptogens help you relax and support your sleep cycle, so that you can fall asleep easily, experience restful sleep and wake up feeling energized.
Your energy is your life force and your personal frequency.
On a physical and mental level it’s your fuel, your vitality, your stamina and your mindset.
On an emotional and spiritual level it’s your essence, your personal blueprint and the expression of your mood and inner world.
All of these aspects are connected.
Adaptogens support your physical and mental energy levels, endurance, your resilience to stress and immune system, so that you can feel and function in the most optimal way.
Focus is a mental state in which your mind is clear, engaged and active. It’s easy to organize your thoughts, express yourself, take in and remember information and concentrate on a task during an extended period of time.
Good focus keeps you sharp, productive, mentally stimulated and creative.
Adaptogens support brain health and cognitive functions such as concentration, memory and processing of information.
They stimulate your mind and expand your perception.
Your skin, hair and radiance are a reflection of what’s going on inside. Physical, mental and emotional well-being, the quality of your sleep, nutrition, exercise, the products you use and the role that stress has in your life all impact your beauty.
Long-term stress is one of the fastest accelerators of premature aging, affecting us on a cellular level.
Adaptogens help regulate your stress responses and increase your resilience to stress.
Certain adaptogens are also nutricosmetics that nourish and help protect your skin from the inside out. They hydrate, support collagen production, stimulate cell renewal, skin elasticity, glow and softness.
A strong immune system is a dynamic network of organs, tissues and cells that helps you stay healthy and protects you from various external elements.
One of its functions is to maintain homeostasis: the body's ability to keep its physiological processes stable despite of external changes.
Adaptogens help your body and mind deal with stress, support your immune system, digestion, energy levels and endurance. They stimulate cognitive functions, cell renewal and homeostasis.

I am glowing
7 mushrooms for your skin
Improves elasticity
Hydrates like Hyaluronic acid
Stimulates collagen production
Activates the cell renewal process
Calms the skin and reduces redness
Strengthens ceramides in the skin barrier
Protects against premature aging
Increases resilience to stress
Accelerates wound healing
Restores moisture loss
Is anti-inflammatory
Evens out skin tone