Test: deze adaptogenen passen bij jou

Test: these adaptogens suit you

Adaptogens can be an amazing addition to your self-care routine. 
They have the unique ability to tune into your specific situation and help you
balance out what is most needed.
To get the most benefit from them, get clear on what you observe in your life at the moment and what you would like to elevate.
What are the main things right now that ask for your attention?

High Vibeology adaptogens are formulated in 4 blends: I am focused, I am calm , I am energized and I am glowing. They can help you target specific needs, but also function as wellness maintenance.

In order to help you understand which of these adaptogens currently suit you most, I've created this test.
 It consists of a variety of positive affirmations related to your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Each of them is related to the properties of a High Vibeology blend.

It’s a fun exercise to get more insights into your needs, elevate your self-care routine, and consciously create a high vibrational life for yourself. 

How does it work? Read each affirmation with attention - you can do this out loud or in silence. Feel into it and if you sense that you could get some support with a specific affirmation, write down the symbol. Once you’ve read all the affirmations, count the symbols. The symbol that appears most often, indicates which one of the adaptogenic blends you could currently benefit most from.
Some affirmations can apply to several blends, so keep an open mind and intuition! 

This test is intended to deepen your knowledge of self in a fun and light way and to discover which adaptogens suit you.
The intention is not to give medical nor psychological advice. If you believe that you are in need of that, please contact your GP or specialist. 

Test: these adaptogens suit you

I think clearly. ✩

My energy levels are high and stable. ▽

I fall asleep easily. ❍

I have a good memory. ✩

I am emotionally balanced and easy-going ❍ 

I have glowing skin. ◈ 

I feel strongly grounded. ▽ 

My skin is soft and elastic. ◈ 

I wake up feeling rested. ❍

I am usually in a good mood. ❍

I am focused without getting easily distracted. ✩ 

If I have small wounds, they heal quickly. ◈

I feel present in my body. ▽

I see solutions rather than problems. ✩

I connect to my heart and emotions easily. ❍ 

I look rested. ◈ 

My thought process is clear and fast. ✩

I am calm and centered. ❍ 

I have calm skin without redness. ◈ 

I express myself easily and clearly. ✩

I have enough energy for regular physical activity. ▽ 

My skin is firm and tight. ◈ 

I easily learn new skills. ✩

I live in the present, without feeling affected by past events. ❍

I am able to multi-task when needed. ✩ 

My cycle is balanced. ◈ 

I need little time to recover from physical activity. ▽

I am resilient. 

During my period I have little to no breakouts. ◈ 

My hair is full and healthy. 

I feel nourished and energized after a meal. 

My skin is tight and even.  

I am happy and have fun in life. ❍ 

I almost never have a cold or flu. ◈ 

I am able to concentrate on a task for an extended period of time. ✩

I am in good physical shape. ▽ 

My hair is soft and shiny. ◈ 

I let go easily of things that are out of my control. ❍

I am grateful for everything my body does for me. ▽

I trust my intuition. ❍ 

I have a healthy, fresh complexion.  

I feel energized and don’t get tired easily. ▽ 

People usually think that I am younger. ◈ 

I know what I want. ✩

It’s easy for me to relax and unwind after a busy day. ❍

I am open-minded and curious. ✩

I wake up feeling excited to start a new day. ❍

I recover fast after mental activity ▽ 

My skin looks good without makeup. ◈

I am productive. ✩

I enjoy taking care of my body. ▽

I feel optimistic about the future. ❍

I adapt myself easily to a new situation. ✩

My energy levels are stable, without extreme highs or lows. ▽

I can process new information fast and easily. ✩

I sleep well throughout the night. ❍

I get things done now, as opposed to postponing them. ✩

I have a strong immune system.

I eat to nourish myself rather than feeding my emotions. ❍

I feel strong. ▽ 

I enjoy being mentally stimulated. ✩

I look younger than my age.  

My breathing is balanced. ▽ 

I have very few fine lines and wrinkles. ◈ 

I have healthy, strong boundaries. ❍

I easily understand instructions. ✩

I look forward to working out. ▽ 

My lips are soft and hydrated. ◈ 

I manage unexpected things with ease and grace. ❍

I notice it quickly when my body is out of balance. ▽ 

I am able to express my feelings openly. ❍ 

I get regularly complimented on my skin. ◈ 

I wake up feeling energized. ▽

I think for myself. ✩ 

My muscles are in good shape. ▽ 

My appetite is balanced throughout the day, without a strong need for sugar or caffeine. ❍

I am a manifestor. ✩

I have a healthy libido. ▽ 

My skin feels and looks hydrated. ◈ 

I feel relaxed about my to-do list. ✩

I feel connected to nature. ▽

I allow myself the time to recover after an intense period. ❍ 

I am proud of my skin. ◈ 

I am comfortable functioning under (time) pressure. ✩

Being physically active gives me energy. ▽

I feel confident to speak my truth. ❍ 

I need few skincare products such as creams. ◈ 

I usually feel pleasantly warm. ▽

I finish what I start. ✩ 

My skin is in good condition also in summer and winter. 


Results: these adaptogens suit you

Usually ❍:

I am calm adaptogens

I am calm with Ashwagandha, Tulsi (Holy Basil), Reishi and Brahmi supports a healthy nervous and hormonal system, relaxation, mental clarity, a good night's sleep, a positive mood and inner peace.
It makes it easier to react mindfully to triggers.

Energetically it helps you to connect more to your core and your heart. It stimulates emotional healing, cleansing and the free flow of emotions.

Usually ✩:

I am focused adaptogens

I am focused with Lion’s Mane, Brahmi, Maca and Tulsi (Holy Basil) contributes to good concentration and memory, mental clarity and it promotes the absorption and processing of information.
It provides energy in a subtle way, on a mental as well as on a physical level.

The energetic focus is on the expansion and clarity of the mind. It helps you to make the connection between your vision and its manifestation into the physical.

Usually ▽:

I am energized adaptogens

I am energized with Astragalus, Moringa, Maca and Cordyceps works on your energy levels, stamina and supports physical and mental exertion.
It contributes to the recovery of the body after exercise and is very suitable for before as well as after a workout.

In an energetic sense it helps you become aware of your physical capacity. It connects you to your life force and helps you feel more grounded, focused, charged and present in your body.

Usually ◈:

I am glowing adaptogens

I am glowing with Tremella, Chaga, Reishi, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms is anutricosmetics beauty & longevity blend for your skin and immune system.

Nutricosmetics are nutrients that nourish and protect your skin from within.
These components are known for their powerful effect on the skin and the immune system. They have moisturizing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and cell renewal properties.
In addition, they are a rich source of vitamin D.

You can use multiple adaptogens at the same time and different blends during the day, but be conscious about your intake.
Herbs and mushrooms can be very powerful, so start with a small dose and see how you react to it.
You can read here about use and dose recommendations.

Do you have specific questions about adaptogens and do you want to know what adaptogens can do for you?
You can book a holistic 1:1 consultation and together we will look at what you need most now and how I can support you in this.

* The above health claims, made on the basis of plant-based ingredients, are currently being processed by the European Food Safety Administration (ESFA). *

Supplements are intended to complement a healthy lifestyle. They are not a substitute for a balanced diet.
This article and these products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

Always consult with your doctor before using a new supplement, if you are taking medication, when pregnant or while breastfeeding.