In the Netherlands and Belgium we know it under the name berkenweerschijnzwam and although it is rare here, it grows in some places.
A few years ago I got a piece from a friend who found it here in the woods and I made medicinal tea from it.
Chaga medicinal mushroom and adaptogen
In Russia and in other Slavic cultures the mushroom has been used since at least the twelfth century for its medicinal properties.
A lot of scientific research has been done on Chaga. You can read more about it here, here and here.
Besides being a medicinal mushroom, Chaga is also an adaptogen: an herb or mushroom that helps increase your resistance to stress and regulates your body's stress reactions.
It has the ability to strengthen the immune system and is traditionally used in various parts of the world to increase resistance to stress and strengthen the life force.

One of the highest antioxidant scores
Chaga adaptogen for the skin
This special mushroom also has a powerful effect on the skin.
The high concentration of antioxidants helps to reduce oxidative stress, which contributes to less wrinkles, acne and skin discoloration.
Antioxidants in combination with melanin and zinc in Chaga help protect against damage from UV radiation.*
Chaga improves skin elasticity, increases the production of collagen and stimulates the repair and renewal of skin cells due to betulinic acid a.o.
It also contains some of the highest amounts of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Deficiencies that arise as we age, cause wrinkles and skin discoloration.
How do you use Chaga?
You can add Chaga mushroom to all kinds of food and drinks such as oatmeal, latte, stir-fry, soup, yogurt, smoothie etc.
Combining it with healthy fats such as coconut, (plant-based) dairy products, nuts or avocado helps with the absorption.
The healthy components in Chaga are, like many other mushrooms, protected by so-called Chitin cell walls. Heat is needed to release the active ingredients and allow them to be absorbed well by your body.
Chaga is usually made into a tea or elixir, by gently heating it in a pot with water. You can then store the liquid in the refrigerator for a few days and add it to your food or drink either warmed up or cold.
Simmering the powdered mushroom in a dish also works very well.
Additionally you can also add the powder to a hot drink.
You can find Chaga in the I am glowing for the skin and immune system.
Always consult with your doctor in case of physical or psychological complaints.
The information provided here is educational in nature and is not a substitute for regular medical care in the form of advice, diagnosis and treatment.
If you are taking medication, have a medical condition, are breastfeeding, etc., please consult with your doctor about whether you can use adaptogens.
Adaptogens are not suitable for use during pregnancy.